My journey from a coward to the host

Me as one of the four anchors of Ma Anandamayee Vidyapeeth's Annual function(2018-19)

"Novemeber 2017 "the month when I first time hold a microphone in my hand. It was a debate competition between the four houses of my school:Blue,Orange,Green Yellow.The topic was "Technology is a bless or boon", I was a con.The debate started all my fellow mates did well. Except me and one my friend all were seniors. Gradually, my turn came! My one housemate had written points for me as I was useless at that time. Idk why our house captain picked me up by sacrificing her position. I was left at last so the last person to hold mic on that competition  was me "Unfortunately nobody else left".I went on the stage with a mic in my hand, and I began with a quote of Steve Jobs. After that quote I was shivering  as hell. My hands, legs all were shaking badly om the stage, some of them in the audience were laughing loudly. But  Iam surprised of the fact that my mouth didn't shut. After 1 min one of the judges told me if u want u can stop. I said, "NO! ". I completed it and then came of the stage. After the competition  many criticised me and yeah few showed some appreciation too. That day while coming to home I decided that ,"one day I will master this field(public speaking),no matter what happens I will surely master it". After that incident I started to tell thoughts, news in the assembly  hall regularly. I still remember one day I went to tell the news without a paper in my hand and I made a fool out of myself. But yeah but I didn't gave up! The next day I again came to tell the news but yeah this time with a paper (as I know what could happen). And then on 23rd January, 2018 I delivered  my first successful  speech.Those people who criticised me now started to appreciate  me. And then on june-july month I'd secured 2nd position from my class on extempore  speech. It was a glorious moment. Not because of that damn prize but that feeling came from within(self satisfaction). Then on november, 2019 again that debate competition  came,  this time I went off the topic and started to tell whatever I wanted, whatever words were comin' from inside I was spitting on the audience. This time I know that I made a fool out of myself again but this time nobody criticised, the full hall was clapping (may be sarcastically or may be not)  but I took them as "all the best". Then I've realised that I should practice to speak without seeing a damn paper. Then after that debate I started to   create my own thoughts and started to tell them  without a paper. Then the period of annual function of our school came, I really wanted to become the host to prove "myself" that I can. Then the list came with the name of four hosts in it. With god's blessings may be My name was there! My seniors(other  two hosts and two other) helped me a lot. Gradually 13th May came!  And I don't know how was my performance but ya that was a successful  night. That day I've understood the last line of LOSE YOURSELF(EMINEM)

"you can do anything just set your mind man".


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